- electronic counter
- счетчик, электронный
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
electronic counter — elektroninis skaitiklis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. electronic counter vok. elektronischer Zähler, m rus. электронный счётчик, m pranc. compteur électronique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Electronic counter-countermeasures — (ECCM) describes a variety of practices which attempt to reduce or eliminate the effect of Electronic countermeasures (ECM) on electronic sensors aboard vehicles, ships and aircraft and weapons such as missiles. ECCM is also known as Electronic… … Wikipedia
Electronic Counter Counter Measures — Electronic Counter Countermeasures (engl., „elektronische Maßnahmen gegen Gegenmaßnahmen“, auch ECCM) ist aus dem Bereich der Elektronischen Kampfführung, kurz EloKa genannt, entnommen und beschreibt Maßnahmen zur Überwindung der gegnerischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
electronic counter-countermeasures — noun electronic warfare undertaken to insure effective friendly use of the electromagnetic spectrum in spite of the enemy s use of electronic warfare • Syn: ↑ECCM • Hypernyms: ↑electronic warfare, ↑EW … Useful english dictionary
electronic counter-countermeasures — That division of electronic warfare involving actions taken to ensure friendly, effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum despite the enemy’s use of electronic warfare (EW). Also called ECCM … Aviation dictionary
Electronic engineering — is a discipline dealing with the behavior and effects of electrons (as in electron tubes and transistors) and with electronic devices, systems, or equipment.The term now also covers a large part of electrical engineering degree courses as studied … Wikipedia
Electronic warfare — (EW) is the use of the electromagnetic spectrum to effectively deny the use of this medium by an adversary, while optimizing its use by friendly forces. Electronic warfare has three main components: electronic support, electronic attack, and… … Wikipedia
Electronic countermeasures — NOTOC Electronic countermeasures (ECM) are a subsection of electronic warfare which includes any sort of electrical or electronic device designed to trick or deceive radar, sonar, or other detection systems like IR (infrared) and Laser. It may be … Wikipedia
Counter-battery radar — Israeli Shilem counter battery radar A counter battery radar detects artillery projectiles fired by one or more guns, howitzers, mortars and rocket launchers and from their trajectories locates the position on the ground of the gun, etc., that… … Wikipedia
counter — Synonyms and related words: Geiger counter, Wilson chamber, X ray spectrograph, X ray spectrometer, abjure, adversary, adversative, adverse, adversive, advocate, against the grain, against the tide, against the wind, agree to disagree, alien,… … Moby Thesaurus
electronic warfare — noun military action involving the use of electromagnetic energy to determine or exploit or reduce or prevent hostile use of the electromagnetic spectrum • Syn: ↑EW • Topics: ↑military, ↑armed forces, ↑armed services, ↑military machine, ↑war… … Useful english dictionary